October 24, 2023
Case study

A distinctive new look for Denstone College

Schoolblazer and Limitless are delighted to launch a new look for Denstone College from autumn 2023.

The new Denstone blazer

When the school first joined Schoolblazer in 2021, their uniform was predominantly navy, with eye-catching double-breasted blazers for boys and long skirts for girls. However, the adoption of a prep school in the same year made Head Lotte Tulloch consider a new uniform – one that would flow through both schools and present a new, distinctive look. The school’s management team chatted to similar schools who had recently gone through redesigns, and decided that the school’s excellence could be better reflected in the overall look of the uniform.

The school colour has been red for 150 years; therefore, red was chosen as a key colour to work into the designs, along with the grey tweed historically worn by students. The Schoolblazer design team took note of the school’s heritage and drew up a range of options, using these colours and materials to create something fresh and distinctive.

Senior culottes

It was important to the school that as many garments as possible could be worn throughout each age group, from four to sixteen, both to increase continuity and to ensure the maximum number of wears for each garment. Schoolblazer’s Business Development team suggested a culotte as an alternative to a skirt for all ages; the school encourages an outdoor ethos and culottes are more practical for climbing trees, riding bikes and wearing underneath waterproof trousers. The school also adopted a crestless blazer for all senior students, which can be worn for smart occasions outside of school, as well as during lessons.

The Junior school has also adopted Limitless sportswear in a range of striking burgundy and navy designs, and the Senior school will follow in 2024. Along with an update to the kit’s appearance, Limitless’ high-performance materials have been used to ensure the best possible quality. As a school with a healthy appreciation for the outdoors, it’s vital that students are kept warm and dry for long periods of time, and Limitless ensures this will be the case.

Lotte says, “Changing the whole school’s uniform is a huge undertaking, and a lot of our parents – some of whom were Denstone students themselves – were attached to the old style, but we were confident Schoolblazer could bring something fantastic to the table. Even the sceptics were won over once they saw their children in the new uniform! The process couldn’t have been smoother and customer service, including the sizing system and label application, has been amazing. We’re delighted with the redesign and can’t wait to have the whole school in Limitless sportswear too.”

New Prep uniform



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