April 10, 2024

Limitless announces Well HQ partnership

Limitless is delighted to announce that the company is now an Active Partner of The Well HQ.

The Well HQ are the UK's leading female athlete experts. The company was founded by Baz, Bella and Emma - the coach, the GP and the scientist. Independently, they have worked with women for decades; training athletes, teaching body literacy and smashing the taboos that block progress. They joined forces in 2018 with a mission to provide women with the knowledge, resources and support they need to thrive in every aspect of their lives.

Since its inception as a provider of school sportswear in 2010, Limitless has been committed to keeping young people active, despite barriers they may encounter during their teenage years, helping them foster healthy sporting habits for life. Girls face a higher proportion of barriers to boys, including body image, period concerns and the need for sports bras.  By working together, Limitless and the Well HQ aim to empower young women to perform at their best, supplying the knowledge and kit needed to create a lifelong love of sport.

Last month, The Well HQ visited Limitless’ head office to provide an introduction to staff, as well as sessions on pelvic floors and the menstrual cycle for all staff. Attendees also received copies of The Well HQ’s book, the Female Body Bible, and were lucky enough to have them signed by Baz and Emma.

Louise Allard, Limitless Marketing Manager, said, “The Well HQ care deeply about bringing more knowledge to girls and women, and normalising the conversation around subjects that should be common knowledge. Both Limitless and The Well HQ want girls to keep active during puberty and beyond, ensuring they can enjoy a healthy, active life. With the knowledge that The Well HQ bring to our schools and our research, we’re thrilled to be working together.”

Baz Moffat, CEO of The Well HQ said, “Working in this space, it can be challenging to get full and genuine buy-in but Schoolblazer and Limitless continue to wow us with the depth and weight of their commitment to change. They're all-in.

"Together we have the drive to invest in girls' future and evolve the norms of the locker room. By giving girls appropriate kit, tools and choice in PE and sport, society in general will take a significant step forward. This is showing and telling girls from early on: you belong here, sport is for you too.”



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